22 December, 2014

The Sony Hacking Scandal: Kim Jong-un? More like Kim Jong-unFriended!!

If youre one of the hundreds of people that have been poking and prodding me for my two scents on the Sony hacking scandal that happened this week you know that I am just livid. I mean really. My blood is boiler! Not only can I not believe our "president" could be such a coward in this time of trouble, but in the very same week he signed off on an alliance with the cruelest, most commie regime in the earth: Cuban.

"Why in the H*CK?!" you might ask!, I was asking my self the same thing!!

Well I'll tell you if nobody else will!! I've done a bit of independent investigation into the matter and have discovered that in recent years "President" Obama and Kim Jong Un have become very buddy-buddy.

Attatched are some photos of Kim Jong Un and Barack Obama having a grand old time! And as a citizen of The United States of America, I can tell you one thing! (I wont stand for it!)

Look at our dear "leader" auplauding a ruthless dictator right to his face. 
And the other one is Kim Jong Un! Check your privelige next time white america!

Obama and Kim Jong-un were spotted just last week at Applebees sharing 
appetizers (a spinach bread bowl if you can beleive that!) A waitress
I spoke to (we just talked! I swear!) told me she overheard the two
draconian leaders talking about plans to shut down the release of the
highly anticipated film, "The Interview". She even said that she 
overheard Obama say something about avenging an ageless wrong
committed by the Franco family.

You may be thinking "a slumber party? Really Obama? A slumberparty 
with a commie dictator??! doesnt america deserve better?" Well, concerned
reader, you are right! Our Dear Obama (as the left calls him) has been having 
slumber parties with Kim Jong-un for months now and no body knows why.
Until now.

Move over Michelle Obama! Looks like there's a new first lady in town!
Take a look at this #rare pic of Kim Jong-un and president Obama 
holding hands on a stroll on an august afternoon! Looks like the whole
hacking accident was a little less of a "coincidence"
and a bit more of an on-purpose-ence!!

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