10 March, 2015

English blog time: how's my hair? (Pants edition)

Irrationality is a pervasive theme in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. The stunning  special effects only serve to enhance the absurdity of the setting in which Alice finds herself! There's a cat whose head comes off and sometimes she eats stuff and changes sizes and the dogs can tell time! Is that rational? The answer is N-O if you ask me! Once Alice (or Al) realizes that the world she's in isn't rational it basically turns into the plot of the matrix. she realizes that she can do whatever she wants now and then she wakes up.

Hello! Sound familiar?? That's because it's just like real life. For example, one night I had homework but I didn't do it, so my mom got mad at me, but I told her that wasn't rational and sent her to bed. There's supposedly a rule in our society that you have to pay for things, but I say thats irrational and just take things (like pants). It's pretty helpful.

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